Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Count Olaf has a message to give to the world

I thought I would show you my latest animation about Count Olaf from "A Series of Unfortunate Events" which is a book. Infact: if you want to hear more about "A Series of Unfortunate Events" then go onto my blog "Thoughts From Alex" & click on the posts in November 2008. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this film.

What is your name?

Xtranormal has now got it's own software that you can download, not only that, but in this version you can make the characters walk, and even put your own voice to it. Doesn't that sound good? There ant as many characters to choose from as there are on the xtraormal that you get on the website, nor are there as much scenes to choose from, but hopefully that will change over time. Thanks for reading

Two More Animations

These are two animations that I've done. "The Shooting Skeleten; and 'The deprrest snowman. For Christmas last year I got a model to do animations on. You can put plasticine on them, or even just do it the way it is. Both of these films were used with this model.

Monday, 26 April 2010


Lattly I've started doing a lot of animations which I've put on YouTube; and then put on to my blog, "Thoughts from Alex". But I decided it might be a good idea rather than just keep adding each one to my offical blog, I just thought I'd create another blog specificly for the animations that I do. Thanks for rading, and enjoy the film. :)